This message is from: Curt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I know that many of you have received your ballots and are ready to vote. 
Please wait to vote until you receive the new election information and ballots. 
 The candidate information sent with the ballots you just received does not 
meet the requirements of the NFHR Board of Directors Election Policy.  
Therefore, new information will be sent and the new deadline for voting will be 
Nov 29.  The new ballot envelopes will be a different color, so we can easily 
determine the correct ballots.  If you do vote with the old ballots, do vote 
again using the new ballots.  The old ballots will be destroyed prior to 
counting the ballots.  If you have any questions, please contact myself or Mike 
Curt Pierce 304-897-6627
PS.  We hope to see many of you in Winona, Oct 12-15!

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