This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear List,

I finally returned home from the Winona event - physically Sunday evening the 22nd.

Mentally I really don't know where I am. Having left directly from Winona to take Hostar to his home with Melinda Springs in Bellevue Idaho.

First and foremost I need to thank my committee of The Stallion Review - Rich and Nancy Hotovy, Mike and Susie Sadlon, Tyler and Dawn Schlickman, Bob Gudknecht and my husband Gary - for their unconditional support and outstanding horsemanship. It's the work behind the scenes that seems to go unnoticed, manly because it was so well organized, and the stallion parade and review went on without a flaw.

The above mentioned people many times (through out the entire event - not just the stallion review) flew into "save" mode without recognition and utilized their innate horse sense to prevent mishaps. These are TRUE horsepeople and thankfully my friends. This "group" are the Blue Earth people - the people who are always ALWAYS there for you with heart and give of their time without glory.

I also need to apologize to all of you whom trusted me with the stallion row event, that your presentations were not fully felt due to the poor sound system in place Thursday evening. You could only hear the music and scripts if you were in the barns or the bathrooms. After working on this event for 14 months I know all the work and time and effort you all put into your final presentations, and I was greatly disappointed that those watching could not hear what each of you wanted to convey.

OK...on to the positives:

As far as numbers on the stallions to know whom is whom. #415 is Hostar. He received his blue in conformation and he received a great deal of recognition by the foreign dignitaries as they were greatly impressed by his condition and health. It was a proud moment when the Norwegian Dignitary deemed Hostar the best stallion amounts the stallions presented in the NFHR Evaluation. Although not "official" - considering the Mother Country considered a Dutch stallion standing in North America the best, added a very interesting factor to the mix.

#449 is Wood's Sven. A five year old stallion my husband and I purchased 3 months before Winona. We utilized what the NFHR Evaluation was designed for to tell us if this boy should stay intact and he did receive his Silver Medallion of Quality - of which both my husband and myself were very happy with.

The star however at the event, in my humble opinion was SF ARVE, owned by and presented by Shiloh Simino and her husband Chris. Arve is a son of Hostar and just go look at picture #13 in the Stallion #3 section of Laurie's pictures......Shiloh drove out from New Hampshire to present with Hostar and he is absolutely one of the BEST Fjords, with the best owners I've ever known. Arve ended up with the Driving Championship and was high scored NFHR conformation gelding in the evaluation. Shiloh and Chris stayed at my place before and after the event and simply put - great - great people, what I feel make up the general membership of the NFHR. Honest, sincere and with a great love of their horse.

One of the greastest memories I will have of the Winona show - is this: Nathan, Pat Wolfe's nephew was sitting on Prydarson and I was right next to him - sitting on Hostar waiting to go into the English Pleasure class - side by side we were - and a lady pushing a baby carriage came right between and thru us.......with baby......both horses just sorta looked and sighed......what great horses.

I need to thank two other people as well - Nancy Barmore and Kathy Monroe, who allowed me to house Hostar Sunday and Monday at their farm near Winona. Due to the ventilation problem at the Winona facility, Hostar began bleeding out the nose Saturday afternoon due to the ammonia in the barns. The Veterinarian confirmed this and he needed to be in fresh air, plus meds. I was greatly concerned because he them had to travel for 3 days - Hostar did arrive in Idaho healthy, and I am very grateful to Kathy and Nancy for their hospitality, care and concern - not only for Hostar but to myself as well.

Lastly I have to thank Catherine Lassesen for her great skill in transporting Hostar, Melinda and myself to Bellevue, Idaho. Catherine is also a great horseperson with innate sense and care and concern for our animals. It was a privilege to spend the time I did with her and thank you - thank you Catherine, you know where my heart was left at and I sincerely appreciate how much of yours you gave to me.

Hostar is home now.............Melinda lives in one of the most beautiful areas in the country, with some of the best horse facilities in her area (Debbie McDonald trains near by). He will stand shipped cooled and frozen and I highly suggest breeding to this great stallion.

My story with this wonderful old boy has come to a close, I hope I remain in his memory as I will never forget him.

Pat Holland

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