This message is from: Susan Cargill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mike, is very correct - we have at least 40 hours of video from Winona.  We
have coverage of the evaluation, horse show, stallion presentations, Evening
of Dancing Fjords and interviews with participants and our European visitors.
Its my plan to start with a DVD of the Evening of Dancing Fjords because it
will be the easiest and quickest to have ready but I'm sorry Carol - not for
Christmas - maybe your birthday.

I'd also like to express my thanks to the Show Committee of the 25th
Anniversary Show.  These people worked very hard to make this show happen.

Beth Beymer - Evening of Dancing Fjords (It was definitely a WOW evening -
standing room only crowd.  Definitely showed the versatility of the fjord -
wait till you see the DVD)

Betsy Cowperwaithe - Our Horse Show Manager - Betsy is currently a non-fjord
person but we have converted her.

Cynthia Madden - Promotions (Cynthia was responsible for all the great press
we had in local papers and some not-so-local publications.  She also was
responsible for all the fjord goodies that were available for sale -
Sweatshirts, T-shirts, cups and posters.)

Debbie Ulrich - Banquet and Hospitality (Debbie was instrumental in locating
Signatures where the banquet was held.  She helped in planning the meal and
the beautiful flowers.  She also organized a hospitality booth which held
local brochures and information for attendees.  Debbie lives locally and was
the recipent of many boxes for the Promotions Committee)

Howard Fiedler - 25th Anniversary Celebration Program  (Howard did an
excellent job of selling advertising, organizing some wonderful articles.  The
program was wonderful)

Jana Lower - Show Secretary - Also a non-fjord person but we're still working
on her.

Linda Syverson-Kerr (Barn Manager - Linda was on the front line with answers
for all those questions that were put to her.  She cheerfully dealt with those
who had lost their reservations or had not made them and a few last minute
cancellations. For those of you that don't know - Linda is running for the
Board.  She would make an excellent Board Member)

Martha Martin - International Hospitality (Martha worked with our
international visitors - helping them make hotel reservations, travel
arrangements.  She also put together some lovely gift bags for our visitors)

Mike May - Evaluation Technical Delegate and Paperwork King (Mike was our rock
- he never complained even though he has a full work load without all the
paperwork for the Celebration - Thank you Mike for all the hard work)

Pat Holland and Pat Wolfe (The Pat's did an excellent job of planning and
executing stallion row.  The evening performance went off without a hick up.
Good Job)

Sophie Fiedler and Phil Odden - Evaluation (Sophie and Phil did a great job of
working through some significant adversity - in particular the weather.  There
have been lots of comments of should have done, could have done, would have
done but we all need to remember how much work goes into planning an
evaluation and this was the largest evaluation held by the NFHR.)

Vivian Creigh - Awards (Vivian ordered the ribbons and special awards
(blankets and halters.  Good work)

Also special thanks to Mark McGinley, Curt Pierce and Kay Van Netta - Mark was
always there when we had to deal with some sticky issues.  Curt did a great
job of getting the 25th off the ground,  Phil Pritchard kept us on budget with
his questions and Kay Van Netta was always there with encouraging words and a

It was a wonderful 25th Anniversary Celebration - well worth all the work we
all put into it.  I know there were issues but I've never seen so many smiling
and happy faces at a horse show. many well behaved horses.  It is
definitely a tribute to our wonderful breed.

We had a great group of volunteers, people from all over the country, who came
to the Celebration and gave of their time - Thank you all for helping. We
couldn't have done it without you.

On a personal note - I'd like to thank Vivian Creigh who came and took Felix
under her wing for me.  She showed him for me in the single driving classes,
the stallion presentation and rode with Arne Presthaus during an Evening of
Dancing Fjords in a presentation of Antique Carts and Norwegian Stallions that
Pat Wolfe orchestrated.  With Vivian's assistance Felix won Reserve Champion
in the single driving class. Thank you Vivian. I'd also like to thank Dave
McWethy for driving my ulsdun four-in-hand in an Evening of Dancing Fjords.
Dave did an excellent job after a minimal amount of preparation.  Thank you
Dave.  I'd also like to thank Beth Beymer who took the four-in-hand and worked
with them in Colorado prior to the 25th Celebration and Susan North (Sandy's
mom) who loaned us the wonderful Sara when Sandvik Bella was unable to
continue.  Also, for showing Felix in Get of Sire where he placed second after
His Majesty Erland, which I'm pleased to say we are expecting two
 of Erland's offspring this coming spring. Hoping for an OH Sadie.  Beth also
showed Mykleblakka for me in produce of dam with her yellow dun offspring
Solon  (Flotren) owned by Katherine Kramer (Thank you Kathy) and OH Yenna
(Smedsmo Graen).  They received a blue in the class.  We are expecting another
Mykleblakka offspring this coming spring.  It will be one of our embryo
transfers. Thank you also to Beth and Sandy North for their excellent care of
Millenium when she arrived in Winona with a fever.  The vet care was
extraordinary not something you always get at a show.  Millie was able to
carry on in the four-in-hand with her mom, Sara for an Evening of Dancing

And last, I'd like to thank my husband, Jim and our son, Patrick who came on
Wednesday with their crew and helped point everyone in the right direction,
stall numbers, overnight parking spaces even parking trailers when necessary.
They did it in freezing rain and snow with only a minimal amount of
encouragement and a lot of hot chocolate and coffee.

I have wonderful memories of the Celebration and I hope for all of you that
suffered some adversity that it will dull in time and you can remember the
good times.  Its my hope the Board will have a 30th Celebration which is even
bigger and better.

Susan Cargill, Chair

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

  • Winona DVD Susan Cargill

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