This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Well, many of you answered my plea for advice on reducing the size
  of the list. Most were of the opinion we would be better off without
  certain members. Most were pretty specific about who should be gone,
  and there was a real consensus on who wouldn't be missed. Some folks
  thought a warning should be issued before anyone was banned
  outright, but agreed that continued disruption did warrant loss of

  I wrestled with the decision, and pretty much had come to leaving
  those who I (and you) thought were the worst offenders on the list,
  but suppressing their ability to post. That is the current situation
  for all but one. The exception is the person who wrote me privately
  and "double dared" me to unsubscribe them; you won't be hearing from
  them again on the List.

  Thanks to all who offered help to me with this decision. And a
  special thanks to those who also expressed their gratitude for the

Steve McIlree
Owner/Administrator FjordHorse List

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