This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kay Van Netta wrote:

who believes
that if you have     to canter at all then
       a. --somebody must be shooting at you, or
b. --you're really late for something and you should've planned your
day better.

Thank you Kay,.... you have to be related to Robin Williams or Billy Crystal....I love your sense of humor. You always make me smile.

With that thought process in mind,...I watched my husband, (the person who refuses to accept that " X " does exist) - riding one of our own Fjords the other day - trotting about - the horse decided to throw in a little buck - utilizing that "leap" movement at the very appropriate time - he pushed him into a very lovely canter - the hind end right under him - and maintained a rather impressive three or four rounds on the rail in my outdoor.

I once heard a term used for selling a clumsy horse - "yes he has three gates "start, stumble and fall"......" perhaps with what I just observed - we can say some Fjords are three & 1/2 gated " walk, trot and with a buck/canter".

All horses, are different in how they learn and how they accept, treasure what you have.

In humor,
Pat Holland

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