This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Remember Brownie?  The Arabian Association is well known for accusations of
judging unfairness.  I believe "Brownie" (his first name escapes me right
now, but he was the non-hero of Katrina) was involved in trying to clean
things up, and somewhere along the way, he was fired and a big lawsuit was
filed.  I actually think he may not have been at fault, but the point is
that association lawsuits do happen in connection with ethics issues.


When you move 
away from an aspirational model to an adjudicative model, as suggested by
there are issues related to due process and fairness that must be addressed.

It can get quite complicated.  An ancillary issue is that organizations with

adjudicative models are often the target of lawsuits from members related to

ethics or conduct violations

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