This message is from: M Korose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For all the folks who might not have heard my Sven story.....
In the late 80's
I was a newbie driver in CA with my Thoroughbred and Karen was also somewhat
of a newbie, driving Sven.  We went to the CA driving shows, the little CDEs
to start and a great clinic in Ore.  I knew I wanted to drive (forever)  and
my horse was not in the best health (track injuries) and I had a severe case
of horse envy (the first in my life!!!) in the case of Sven.  He was so well
behaved, and cute and a great driving pony, right size....... the stallion
part never made much impression on me (he was the first stallion I ever "met",
how was I to know?).  One day in Oregon, I asked Karen if I could drive the
Fjord and she countered with, "Only if I can drive the Thoroughbred".  I then
proceeded to pester poor Karen with where do you get one, who else is in the
community, stories, addresses, names, info (and this was pre-Internet!!!!!!).
Karen got a mare for her growing herd and the mare came pregnant, I was going
to get the foal..EXCITEMENT!!!! Then I got
 orders for Alaska and being a single folk then, I could only manage taking
the one horse, so off we went (Fjordless) but with visions of "soooooooon" in
my head.  Arrive Alaska, pester only Fjord person I meet (Jerry Friz) until
Thoroughbred passed away (track injuries) then he helped me get my first
So Sven has always been the "perfect" Fjord (and selfishly, my first
Fjord) in my mind, I loved his type, his mind, his "Fjord-capableness" and
have kept my ear open for all his activities that have been reported.  I will
miss him.
Marsha Korose in WV
(where we now have 15+ Fjords and the goal is
to introduce folks back here to "Sven-like" Fjordies so they can be as happy
as we are)
 PS:  And Sven round about got you Curt Pierce (my better horse
half), so he has had to listen to Sven stories since he met me.
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