This message is from: Sarah Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

One of the best exercises that I have used in getting control over the 
shoulders is to start on a 20 meter circle and gradually spiral down to a 10 
meter circle, then leg yield out to 20 meters again.  You may need to use that 
raised inside rein to block the horse crashing in to the 10 meter circle as 
soon as they figure out the exercise.  but if you do this regularly they will 
learn to carry themselves.  You can do this at both the trot and the canter., 
but obviously it will be harder at the canter.  To help both you and the horse 
understand the shoulder controlling aids, learning turn on the haunches  (since 
you have to pick up the shoulder and move it around the haunches) at the walk 
is very helpful.  You can then use the turn on the haunches aids to bring the 
shoulders in or out (just a bit) at the trot.  Another trot exercise is to ask 
the horse to lengthen stride for 5-8 strides, shorten the stride 5-8 strides 
and repeat this once or twice around the arena.  You may
 wonder why this helps the shoulder?  It is because the exercise makes the 
horse more rear engined and thus not leaning on the shoulders so much.   A more 
advanced exercise would be shoulder-in, first at the trot and eventually at the 

    This message is from: Silja Knoll 

Speaking of those powerful shoulders...... are there some exercises that you 
guys can recommend? 
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