This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes I know what you mean Laurie

During the summer (early or late, I can't remember) went out to the barn, and one of the sweetest ones out there was cast! I ran to the owners house and we spent a long time trying to get her up and out (only us two women to do the job). She had wedged herself up to the pipe corral and was stuck good. We tried taking the piping out but it too was wedged.......finally......after much sweating, etc., we got her up. Thank goodness. With the heat of the day approaching, she would have been a goner for sure not too long after that. She had already been down for quite awhile.

We finally got her up doing what you did.........she had really wedged herself in there well and had made a hole which she was in from trying to get herself up before we got there. It was really scary.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 9:14 AM
Subject: saved a horse's life

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i wasn't even going to be at the barn last night, but at the last minute i
stopped by to do some changes to my tack, and just to say hi to oz and watch my friend brian's lesson. when he was done, we were standing in the aisle of the barn talking while he untacked his horse. i heard what sounded like a horse
kicking from the back end of the barn, which some do when they are bored.
however, this was a continuous kick, not just like one foot hitting the door. i walked back and found one of the horses was cast in her stall. she was jammed
against the wall, with her front feet folded close to the body.

i got brian and joe, one of the barn workers. they were not quite sure what to do, but i remembered reading that you can often get the horse rolled back over by looping a rope around the feet that are closer to the wall and then pulling him back over. it can be dangerous if the horse panics or kicks out. we were lucky, they got a rope around one back leg and far enough around one of the front that they could get her rolled. she scrambled up, somewhat shaken, and with a cut lip from hitting her head on the wall in the struggle to get up, but seemed to be ok. the vet was called to come and check her out. if we hadn't been there, or if she had done it late at night, there is a good chance that
she would have died........

sometimes we are guided to be in the right place at the right time.

laurie, and oz, in freeze dried minnesota

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