This message is from: Starfire Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean Ernest wrote:

Aren't you gonna thank me for sending all that nice arctic air down there?

Okay, Jean, thanks SO MUCH!

The WIND that drove those bitter temperatures down here, that came from your area, thank you very much, tore off one of the fiberglass "light" panels on the roof of our little indoor. Everyone was busy making their own repairs, no one available to help, so I had to climb up there to make the repairs before the next storm blew in! 20 plus feet up. Nice view, but not one I particularly chose to take on a regular basis.....especially in the cold weather.

So, compared to Lisa's temps, it's been rather warm here. -4 in the morning and night. It was downright tropical this morning at 11 degrees! We're not getting much snow, compared to the folks on the western side of the divide, but it's been grey now for a few days. Will welcome the sun back in a couple, I hope.

The horses (even Gail Russel's little mare from CA) are all doing fine. "Course, they're getting enough to eat.....happy campers.


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