This message is from: "Beaver Dam Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia  --

Hey Patti Jo, Glad to hear of your experiences with Xango. -- I've
endured a lot of kidding about taking it and giving it to Champy (our
dog), but who can argue with success? -- As I said, I can't prove that
it's Xango that's doing us good, but the fact is that I have tons of
energy and no arthritis. And good old Champy is doing great on it plus
all the other supplements I give him.

You mentioned a friend with diabetes . . . Well, my sister also has
diabetes, and since going on the Xango juice, her blood sugar numbers
are almost normal. You can argue that it's expensive, but at a "shot"
a day, it actually is less expensive than Scotch, and is actually
therapeutic . . . but so is Scotch.

All of the supplements that I take and give to Champy and other
members of the family who will agree to try these things, are all the
same supplements found in any equine catalogue. I have a good horse
friend that I've just told about Xango. She's my age and has worked
really hard with horses all her life, and she has serious arthritis.
She's taking glucosamine, flax, MSM Omega 3s, etc. She credits all of
these things to keeping her oing. -- I hope she'll try the Xango, and
if it does, indeed, help her, that will go a long way toward proving
its worth.

A few months ago, I found the whole mangsteen fruits in our
supermarket. Mangosteen is the ingredient in Xango. -- I bought them
and attempted to open the shells to expose the fruit. I finally, after
a lot of effort, managed to smash them with a hammer. The fruit was
rather disappointing. Kind of gelatainous with little taste. --

I'd be interested in anyone else's experience, whether on humans or
dogs, cats, horses.

Kind Regards,

Carol Naveta Rivoire

Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II, Ltd.
Phone: 902-386-2304  Fax: 902-386-2149
"Raised by the Sea in Health and Tranquility"

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  • Re: Xango Beaver Dam Farm

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