This message is from: CHERYL GARNICA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Condolences to Catherine and Genie.  For many of us, losing an aminal/pet is 
equal to loss of a family member.  My heart goes out to you both.
        6 yrs. ago my rescue mutt  blew out a ligament in her hind leg.  
Routine fix-it surgery $1000 turned into $13, 000 to save her life; lost leg 
circulation, went septic, major organ shut down, doggie ICU.  I had money put 
aside for a big down payment on a new truck (my first).... reassurances from 
the vet she was young, strong and lots of hope she'd pull through.  Her tail 
wags at seeing me...well your know how it is..  Ended up with amputation, but 
otherwise a healthy 3 legged $13,000 pooch who several months later,  ran fast 
enough to catch bunnies, so I had to tie a bell on her.  (Older now).  I just 
couldn't envision driving a new car knowing I let my dog die.  I happened to 
have the cash......usually don't.  Had never lost a pet at that time, played 
into my decision.   Financial situation differs year to year...not sure I would 
make the same decision/gamble with money on a given day.    Good point about 
putting away $$ just in case. 
       If  a big $$ vet reserve fund was a requirement for horse ownership it 
would exclude most of us from owning.   (I'm divorced with 2 kids).  Since 
reading everyone's posts, I am seriously considering horse insurance now. 6 
yrs. of ownership and sounds like I have lucked out; no problems with my 3.     
    My vet is offering the Pfizzer colic program, which I turned down the prior 
year.  After reading this, thinking of calling her back now to see if I could 
add it on to my preventive care plan.
  Question: the Pffizer plan covers colic only; wondering if money better spent 
for all around insurance (accident/medical care coverage, not just colic)?  
  Learning alot from everyone's posts.
  Cheryl in S. Cal  

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