This message is from: "Beth Pulsifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Has anyone else
had a problem with illness from their fjords eating
trees or wood Robin in Florida"

We've had several different breeds of horses and they've all chewed wood at one time or another. Out in pasture they chew bark off trees... in their paddocks they chewed the fence. Sometimes it can be maddening but I guess it goes along with having horses. I now have the Fjord mare and I am finding she chews wood less than the arab or mini. She would rather back up to the fence and have a good tail or butt rub!! ( has broken a couple of boards in the process!) Our barn is 20 years old and the stalls have very few chew marks. If the horses have to be in for any length of time we throw a chunk of" poplar " in each stall and they love chewing on it. Keeps them busy! My husband cuts down a few poplar trees each year and cuts them up.. We have them stacked behind the barn. If they are in their paddocks we usually have chucks of poplar out there too. Seems to work for us and they've never been sick from it... but I do believe where there are horses there will be chewing no matter what.

in Maine where we've had around two feet of snow and it's cold and windy. Finally winter has arrived!!:)
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