This message is from: "Anne Weyker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to some enthusiastic bidding by those attending the Midwest Fjord
Horse Club's winter meeting, our auction netted $2748! We had a wonderful
variety of over 40 items donated by many of our members and others in the
greater "Fjord family."  Thanks to everyone for their generous support. A
summary of the auction and a list of donors will appear in the next issue of
the Midwest Fjord newsletter.


As Patti Jo mentioned in her recent post, Wisconsin's weather forecast was a
bit dicey and some from our area left the meeting early to avoid the big
Sunday blizzard that was supposed to roar through southeast Wisconsin. When
we woke up Sunday morning, the Weather Channel man told us that snow had
turned to rain and the blizzard was canceled, so we gratefully headed for


Dawn Schlickman deserves a big "thank you" for all her hard work in planning
the winter meeting activities. We particularly enjoyed Rich Hotovy's
harness-fitting clinic Saturday afternoon. He also did a masterful job at
the live auction in the evening. All in all, a very good weekend! 


Anne (and Syl) Weyker

Auction Co-Chairs

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