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Please accept my apologizes for the lateness of this  message.  In trying to 
finish up the final details of the meeting/seminars  and getting my house back 
in order after dumping every thing at the front door  last Sunday night, the 
time slipped away from me.   

I would  like to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who battled the weather 
to get  to the Midwest Fjord Horse Club Winter Meeting.  You all stuck with 
us and  were so easy to please. We had a great turnout in spite of the weather, 
out  of the 60 people who signed up, 45-48 were able to make it.  Some  came 
on Friday night, but then had to turn around and go home on Saturday due to  
the possibility of not being able to get back into their driveways and care for 
 their animals.  We missed each and everyone of you.  
The get together on Friday night was wonderful, the food was good  and 
everyone sat around and visited.  Saturday morning we started a  little late 
our English Saddle fitting lecture give by LuAnne Reaumes from  the Schleese 
Saddle Company.  LuAnne covered a lot of information on  the structure of the 
horse, the importance of having a good fitting saddle  and the issues that can 
come up if your saddle does not fit.  The feedback  from everyone I spoke to or 
who privately e-mailed me was excellent  and they appreciated the time she 
took to answer everyone's questions.   LuAnne even saved the day when the 
Saddle Fitting lady was unable to  make it due to the weather.  She went off 
with those people who had  questions and worked with them.  I did not know at 
the time but Schleese  Saddle Company also makes Western Saddles.  Thank you 
to Sophie Fiedler,  Pat Holland and Phil Odden for participating in the English 
portion and to Kay  & Jim Barnhart for providing the horse for the Western 
portion of the  lecture. 
Then after lunch Rich Hotovy and Bob Gudknecht gave a harness fitting  
lecture for both Breast Collar and Draft harness.  First, Rich  went through 
some of 
the terminology for harness, then they fit the Breast  Collar harness to the 
horse, then the horse/harness to a cart and then  provided a short driving 
demo.  Next came fitting a team with  Draft harness and demonstrating how to 
hitch a team to a wagon and then  took the team for a short drive around the 
arena.  Thank you to Jeff  and Lisa Lovett for providing the horses used in 
Also thank  you to Mike Sadlon, Tyler Schlickman and Phil Odden for their 
assistance  out in the arena proving help where ever needed.  
People then went back to the hotel to relax while some of us stayed back to  
get the smaller arena prepared for the Dinner/Meeting/Auction and Dance.   The 
caterers did a fantastic job with the food, the dessert was to die  for.  
Congratulations to all who won the Fjord center pieces, it paid to  sit in the 
right chair :)  Syl and Anne Weyker put the Auction together  this year and did 
a wonderful job, they helped to raise $2,748 dollars for the  club.  THANKS 
for a job well done!!  There were many great items  to bid on and no one went 
home a loser.  Rich Hotovy did a fine job as the  Auctioneer.  Our President, 
Chuck Kelly led the meeting, took care of  business and then we got on to more 
fun.  The band did a great job and some  of us hung on and danced until 11:30 
pm.  Therine and Bob Gudknecht sure  can "cut a rug"!  By the time we left the 
arena the weather was a bit  better and the roads were not as icy.  
Sunday morning started a little slow, Ben Eyster, our Clinician for the day  
called at 6:00 am and canceled, but by 9:00 am called back and said the roads  
were not as bad and did we still want him to come.  We hurried around and  
asked people if they were still interested and the answer was YES!!!  So  when 
he arrived we got things started.  Ben's clinics are for starting the  young 
horse, working with problem horses and helping people work with their  horse, 
first on the ground and then in the saddle.  I consider what he  does magic, 
it is much more than that.  Ben put on a great clinic and  provided us with a 
lot of info to process.  Many of the people there are  interested in getting 
together and working with Ben at another time.  
It was then time to say goodbye until July when the Club will hold it's  
annual horse show in Blue Earth, Minnesota.  Pat Holland, Show Chairperson,  
promises another great show!!!!  I for one am looking forward to this  years 
as I have final worked up enough nerve to try and show.  I have  been a horse 
show mom most of my life and as a little girl have always dreamed  of showing, 
but did not have the nerve.  This show and the great people who  come to this 
show have given me the courage to try.  I have observed the  last few years of 
coming that everyone is encouraging and supportive  to anyone who is showing. 
 I have seen people running around at the last  minute to get someone else a 
piece of missing tack, or a article of clothing so  they can compete.  
Everyone is the next persons fan club, in the ring they  maybe competing 
against each 
other, but when the results are announced no one  pouts because they didn't 
win, they clap and say "job well done".  It is  this attitude that convinced my 
husband and I to really get into the Fjord horse  breed and show.  I 
appreciate that this show has a "class" for  everyone at every level.  
As you may be able to tell by my ramblings here, I LOVE this  club!!!   Thank 
you again to everyone for braving the weather and  coming to the meeting and 
making my first year as the Winter Meeting  Chairperson a success. 
I am still trying to gather some of the handouts and other information  
provided at the meeting and then I will be mailing this to the people who were  
unable to come to the meeting, but requested information.   I am  already 
thinking of things for next years meeting, if you have ideas, please  share 
them with 
Dawn Schlickman
Lazy Valley Ranch
Chana, IL     
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  • Belated Thank You to MWFHC Members - Some What Long Lazyvalleyranch

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