This message is from: Vic Faeo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Congratulations, Kris, on choosing a wonderful horse!
I think you made the right decision. After reading
your messages, and all of those that everyone else has
written, I was really hoping you would keep him. He
has learned so much in his life, and seen so much, he
will certainly learn to love you when he gets to know
you. And it sounds like he is already very responsive.
If he was really truely an aloof horse, he would not
come up to you at all. And from what you have
described, it sounds like that is all he did. Please
tell us all about his progress. I think you are giving
a great horse a chance for a wonderful and loving
life. And I really hope Clyde will like him.

Vic and young Einar - who is about to have 30 days
training with the best trainer to come to the Mat-Su
Valley - Nathan Horseman. :-}

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> After much (!) navel gazing and a long pasture
> session tonight, I have decided to keep Monark. 
that gives answers, not web links.

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