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Hi list,
I just wanted to share a short story of my just 2 yr old granddaughter and  
our 2 week old foal, Hansa.
My granddaughter loves to feed the horses grass....even if they are on  
pasture - she thinks they need to eat :) So we frequently visit them  at 
I have recently put Mama, baby Hansa and Daddy out to  pasture together.  My 
granddaughter and I took a little walk out into the  pasture last night to 
check on everyone. My Granddaughter calling out the whole  way "horsy where are 
you?"  Hansa if VERY interested in that little  person.  You can just see the 
curiosity, and amazement in her eyes as she  looks at Taylor - my 
granddaughter.    As we are walking back to  the barn - because the gnats are 
horrid and I 
can't take it anymore - Hansa is  following Taylor, as close as she can be 
without being on top of her.  I of  course keep most of my attention on Hansa 
case she decides to get "too"  playful, but she is just so fascinated by 
Taylor, she is perfectly happy to just  follow.  It is so cute.  I tell my 
granddaughter she has a pony  following her, and she will turn around and 
Hansa followed us all  the way to the barn, which was out of sight of her 
(who I guess figured  she was safe with us,)  then decided she was far away 
enough from mom,  gave a whinny and ran back to mom like her tail was on fire 
:)  I love  that her sweet nature allows me to let her interact with even the  
smallest in our family.  Please don't misunderstand, I do  realize foals can 
be foolish and I am on HIGH alert to scooping up or  getting between that 
grandchild and the foal if need be, I would never put my  grandchild in harms 
I like that this foal is sweet enough to allow  this, at this point.  I have 
had some that I would not be as trusting with  - as they had a bit of a 
prankster in them :-)
I'm sure I haven't gotten across the real beauty of this story. You would  
have to be here to really feel the 'sweetness' of it all, but I thought I'd 
 it anyways. 
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords
Garland Maine

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