This message is from: "kelly MacDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I agree with the others about electric fencing.  In my experience with
Fjords, they really need it and can tell as soon as the fence isn't "hot"
anymore.  For instance, last night someone disconnected a wire that links
two pastures.  I should have noticed it, but somehow I missed it during
the night check.  This morning, the herd was all waiting for their
breakfast, all except my darling Fjord gelding.  The four others still
wouldn't go near the fence, but I found Barlind at the back of the
pasture leaning on the fence getting himself a good feed from the grass
on the other side.  Normally, he doesn't touch the fence, but he just
knew it wasn't going to give him a shock.  I chased him away, reattached
the wire, and he didn't even test it again. 

It would be really simple to run a strand of electric tape along the
vinyl fence and connect a small energizer.  Ask your BO about that



  Subject:  Boarding Issues - Dieting Fjords
  Date:  Mon, 23 Jul 2007 13:03:51 -0400
  >This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >The good news is that we finally moved Joe and Della to a (more or
  less) dry lot, and have limited their hay intake to 3-4 flakes in the
  morning, the same at night, and their supplements which are mixed
  with a cup of oats.? They don't seem to be losing any weight, but at
  least they have stopped gaining!!
  >The bad news is that little Joe discovered early this morning that
  if he leans really hard against the top two rails of PVC fencing, he
  can bend and shove it to the point where it pops out, and he can
  happily step over the bottom rung and wander down the road to graze
  to his heart's content (very good little Della opted to stay in the
  shady comfort of her stall during this escapade.
  >I can't put up hot-wire, it's a boarding stable.? Now I am worried
  that the barn owner is going to ask us to leave because Joe is
  destroying the fences (because he is either hungry or just wanting to
  >Do they make those invisible fences with the shock collars on them
  for horses????
  >and the very stout, very strong Joe
  >and the very good (albeit stout) Della
  >The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:


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