This message is from: "Debi Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Fjord Group,
    I wish to thank the many friends who have encouraged me along the way. 
But I find that I must cut back to a reasonable number of horses. 12 is just 
toooooo many.
    It has been wonderful having Fjords and I will be keeping Hilda, 
(Pjoska, Mcguire and Gracie's mom), and Star the Appie, now 28.
    I have been lucky enough to have some minor claim in foaling WH Stone 
and finding the right family for him.
    I asked Julie to find me a replacement for His Majesty Erlend when he 
went to live with Peg and Doug.  She found Tolgar and he's been perfect for 
me.  I have been able to handle him myself and Joe Glick did the riding and 
driving training. I am most grateful to these wonderful people and all who 
have helped me.
    The horses are listed on
Thank you all, Debi Crocker 

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