This message is from: "Claudia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


In response to Cindy in Kalamazoo--I have had the same hand-numbing experience
trying to scissor-trim the mane that you described, and couldn't find good
scissors for the job.  Even with new sharp ones, the hair keeps shooting ahead
of the scissors.  So I tried my clippers, and they work great.  I have a set
of Oster Golden A-5's and I used the regular 10 blade.  I started from the
withers and just went right up over the arc and down to the bridle path.  Easy
to touch up if it is still a little high in one place or another.  I just do
it until I like the length and shape.  Then if I want the black to stick up a
little, I just clip the white hairs back 1/2 " and that seems to be easy with
a scissor.

I don't know if this is considered an OK way to do it or not--I've never had a
Fjord before now, and only have the one.  But it works, which makes it OK in
my book.  And I can still feel my fingers when I'm finished.

Cindy--Are you familiar with Brad Cutshall from Landmark Farms in Kalamazoo?
He comes to our stable to do dressage clinics--in fact will be here this

Claudia in steaming hot and humid Wisconsin

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