This message is from: "Terry Hale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OK - so I had to google this one because I do speak Norwegian and I couldn't come up with a right sounding English word. Here goes:

Syttende mai er Norges grunnlovsdag, nasjonaldagen fremfor noen annen. sut-tehn-eh ma-ee aer noor-gehs grewn-lohvs-dahg frehm-fohr noo-ehn ahn-nehn Seventeenth of May is Norway's constitution day, the national holiday above any other.

And, please, don't forget to say, Hip, Hip, Hoorahhh!

Roni and Elvis the Fjord
Graham, WA

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bonnie Ehlers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 7:51 AM
Subject: Syttende Mai

This message is from: "Bonnie Ehlers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HELP! Would somebody "in the know" let me know how to pronounce Syttende Mai? Thank you so much. I am going to drive Lil Lyder in the Stapleton parade (his first) Saturday and after seeing Amy & Catherine's picture in the Herald I am going to deck him out like this. In the past two weeks we did his first horse show and competing against mules, quarters, ponys & a Morgan we won a 1st in
costume, 2nd in reinsmanship, and a 4th in pleasure.  We were driving a
Pioneer forecart and were at a slight disadvantage in the cone obstacle
courses, so those didn't go well, but I was just so proud of him. So, good, quiet, responsive, energetic. Then the next day we went on a four day wagon train. Again, he handled it well, a little nervous hooking up at noon the 2nd day when some of the hitches were hooked up and started leaving and he wasn't ready yet, but by the next morning, and an hour of practicing hooking up early that morning, with just taking it one step at a time, very slowly, and doing it over and over, he was fine from there on. The last day we drove in to the local fairgrounds and participated in an obstacle course competition and won
the light horse class.   Not a very difficult course, timed, with backing,
tarp with rubber mats over it, a log, & figure 8. We really had the advantage
as our's was the only single hitch.  But again, everybody was so impressed
with his quiet, business like manner. After the parade he will be for sale. Very hard to let him go after putting in many hours with him this summer. Buz is just not able to help with anything very physical anymore, and at almost 74 I'm not either. So, time for life to go on with something not as much work
(probably not as much fun either)  Bonnie, in NE

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