This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I spent several sleepless hours (between 10pm and 3 AM last night!)
> trying to figure out what should be done about Northwest Fjord
> activities. >> Gail

I agree Gail, this is a disturbing turn of events. From the
perspective of those who have longtime loved the Libby show, and those
who feel outrage over a major injustice done the Packs by the club---
it appears the PNFPG club as we once knew it has gone amuck. First,
their deposit on the ML show accommodation before any member consensus
was taken, then, the rule that anyone voting on the ML proposition
must attend in person in order to vote. Those members adjacently handy
and highly motivated easily passed the proposal. Then, just to be sure
there was no further opposition to their triumph.. a club rule was
passed that no disparaging word, by any member, might be spoken in
their direction.

This places those of us who have been left behind in somewhat of a
predicament, if we dare protest we can be cast out of the club, and
we need that membership to enter a show. And, in order to have any
kind of representation in the club, one must travel to the meetings a
great distance. Small wonder we feel bound, gagged, and victimized. No
other breed show in America dictates their members words and behavior
OFF-showsite. We pay dues but have no vote--taxation without
representation, and we have no freedom of speech.. sounds very
un-American. If it wasn't for Steve McIlree allowing us the privilege
of speaking here on this list, the majority of the Fjord world would
not even be aware of our plight. Thank you. It occurs to me that it is
unfortunate that the NFHR has no tie or oversight over regional clubs.
(The president of this club does not even belong to the registry?)

To my knowledge, those who support Libby have wanted the Moses Lake
effort to succeed, not at the sacrifice of Libby of course--but
apparently this good will is not reciprocal, Moses Lake proponents are
not satisfied to do well-- they further require the destruction of the
Libby show, using every possible means to ensure that end.. by
arbitrarily scheduling their show just prior to the Libby show, and by
once again publishing negative scare rhetoric about asbestos just
prior to the show.

It does appear to us that the club has mutantly evolved into an entity
that cares nothing about some of their least deemed members. When Gene
found out about the Packs being refused entrance to the shows this
year, he said, "I'm not going!" We feel a profound sense of injustice
for the Packs--they have not been professionally and ethically dealt
with as should be required by any club. A 3-yr penalty, or maybe more,
for alleged unsafe behavior AFTER show hours is nothing short of
ludicrous ! particularly so because Packs were not granted a hearing.

If the club now feels pleased that some western breeders and members
have been squeezed out of their ranks, (the list is growing) there has
to be something basically flawed with that club! Idealism has taken
precedence over realism, exclusivity over inclusivity. You've heard of
the cart before the horse, well this is the club before the horse, a
club more important than the Fjord horse--because if the Fjord horse
is our purpose for existing we would be making every possible
extension for their all-inclusive individual good, not thinking of
ways to exclude some. Plus, the overall benefit of the Fjord
brotherhood should be paramount, to promote Fjords we must
additionally promote their people.

These unfortunate events can not be re-wound, all we can do is focus
on how we might best resolve this sorry impasse.. it is time to make
lemonade out of the lemon we've been dealt. Obviously, those in
authority over the club have no desire for diplomacy or negotiated
compromise, therefore "a house divided against itself cannot stand."

I am NOT speaking on behalf of the Libby show, but it personally seems
to me that it would be far better to split the club in two than
continue incremental losses to our Fjord support at Libby. Your
comment about the gas and distance is a good point. We need our own
regional club, one that puts Fjords first and foremost, one that cares
about everyone who cares about Fjords, which would even include
dissentious factions-- if we are truly to regard EVERY Fjord. =)))
We're all for starting that club-- one that welcomes member opinions,
allows everyone a mailed vote, one that earns respect through fair
dealing, courtesy, and is without discrimination. Granted, perhaps one
less sophisticated, but maybe with an acronym everyone can remember,

Now that we have been stripped of our assets this may be difficult,
but it is not impossible-it was done once upon a time and it can be
done again.

Ruthie Bushnell, nw mt US

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