This message is from: "Cherie Mascis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I do a very simple version of training to the mounting block.  I walk the
horse around the block, into position and click and reward. Extend your arm
out in front of them to give the reward, you don't want them to swing their
head toward you or they'll get out of position.  I have worked on coming
forward a step at a time prior to mounting block training so if they stop
just short of where I need then to be I give them a little come forward
signal and click each step.

Don't climb up on the mounting block until you can have the horse stand
still next to the block for as long as it usually takes you to get on.  At
first, I click and reward as soon as they stop at the block and are in
position and keep clicking and rewarding as long as they are standing still.
If they move away, usually they swing their butt out of position, I walk
them all the way around the mounting block again and back into position.
They quickly learn that if they move they have to walk around and if they
stand still they get rewarded.

 I slowly go up the stairs still clicking for standing and click and reward
them for standing while I wiggle the saddle and then while I flap the
stirrups.  If you have a lot of trouble with them swinging around to get the
reward. you can have someone stand at their head (not holding them) to give
the reward when you click and then gradually fade that person out.  If they
stay in place for all that, I get on and click.  Once you're on, the horse
can turn it's head to get the reward.  (They quickly learn to differentiate
where to put their heads for the reward depending on whether you're on the
ground or sitting on them).

 Click and reward them as you get you feet in the stirrups and wiggle around
a bit clicking them for continuing to stand still. If at any time they start
to walk off, I dismount and walk them around the block again. starting over.
After a few of these sessions, I only click for getting into position at the
block and then again as soon as I get on and one more for standing still
while I get organized. Once they have this down I only click after I've
gotten on, put my feet in the stirrups, and fiddled around a bit. Once they
have mounting down from one side, do the whole thing again from the other

 With clicker training, I almost always fade out the click for things they
know well (there's always something new to click), but I always give a
reward for standing while I mount, for girthing, and for an excellent verbal


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