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Hi everyone!

I am currently a student at Murray State University in Murray Kentucky, and in 
my English Composition 
class, it has been assigned to write an argument paper on a controversial 
issue.  I spoke to my professor, 
and I have chosen to not write on a major issue discussed in the popular media, 
instead (and it was 
approved) I have chosen the topic: 
"Whether or not Norwegian Fjords Horses with white markings should be bred"

So, being that there is such a variety of fjord owners, breeders, trainers, 
judges and so forth on the 
digest, it will then be virtually my primary source. So I need opinions and any 
helpful information you 
might have on the issue. Such as:
For statistical purposes: roughly how many fjords with white markings have you 
encountered (no names 
needed, just numbers)?
Simply your overall opinion (ANY information will be helpful)
Any knowledge on genetics and how this trait developed.
If allowed, should there be a limit (ex: white spot on head should be no larger 
than 1 inch in diameter)?
Should the marking be taken into consideration in evaluations and halter show 
classes on conformation?
And really anything else that you can think of.  My professor does realize that 
we are limited on printed 
resources, being that it is not debated on the major media, therefore your 
opinions are very very 
important and I truly appreciate anything that you have to share!

Thank you all, hope to hear from you and take care!

Robin L Holland
8521 Springer Hall
Murray KY 42071

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