This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This was sent to me by another horsey friend.  An update to that horrific
double decker trailering accident....... the slide show is long but well worth
the watching


You may remember reading about the horrible accident on the freeway in
Illinois which involved a double-decker semi packed with 57 horses, many of
whom died.  Here is an update and a link to the rescue organization who has
been entrusted with the survivors - if you quickly scroll to the bottom of the
page there are some heartwarming, and heart breaking, photos in their slide
show. Despite their size, please remember these are all PMU babies that were
headed for slaughter.

Here is the latest update from HARPS (note: I do not recommend you click the
link to the accident scene photos):

On Saturday night, a double deck semi trailer containing 57 draft type horses
overturned on hwy 41 in Wadsworth Illinois on route to a sale barn in
Minnesota.  (This sale barn is frequented by killer buyers)  In 2006 a law was
passed banning the use of double deck trailers to transport equines to
slaughter for human consuption.  Those responsible for the verbage of this law
left a loophole large enough for this double deck trailer to drive through.

Donna received a call at 11 pm, from a HARPS volunteer who lives in the area
of Wadsworth Illinois.  Donna was informed of the situation and quickly called
the local fire department to offer HARPS assistance and the use of our Equine
Ambulance.  The situation was well under control thanks to the cheif of the
Newport Fire Department and his crew as well as many local horse owners.  The
Newport Fire Department had previously attended the Emergency Rescue Training
program through The Lake County Mounted Posse.  Photos from the scene of the
accident ~ caution, these images may be too graphic for some viewers.

Posted 11/3
Thank you for your interest and offer to adopt one of the wonderful Draft
Horses remaining from the tragic Hwy 41 double deck trailer accident.  We have
received over two hundred applications and there are not enough horses to go
around.  We will be working with the six Veterinarians and the Fire Chief to
determine who will become the recipient of the animals.  The volunteers who
risked their lives to rescue the horses will be given first right of refusal.
Unfortunately they may not be released from their quarantine quarters for
several weeks due to an outbreak of Strangles, which as you know is highly
contagious.  So please be patient, their future is still in the hands of the
one who spared their lives.  Donna Ewing, President and Founder of HARPS

We have received numerous phone calls and e-mails offering support and
questions about adopting the surviors of the accident.  Donna called the
insurance company and offered HARPS assistance.  The Great Western Insurance
Company has been most sympathetic and helpful and wants to be sure that these
horses go to good homes and not to slaughter.  HARPS will in fact be in charge
of the adoption process when the horses receive a clean bill of health.
Rescuers from the accident will have the first opportunity to adopt, and then
the remaining horses will be offered to the public, qualified homes only.
Details on the horses available for adoption will be posted as the information
becomes available.  Below is a slideshow of the horses as of November 3rd.
They were all receiveing treatment for their wounds, being rinsed, walked, and
as you'll see ~ loved.  HARPS has received phone calls and e-mails from every
corner of the country; expressing concern, questions about adopting one or
several of the horses, offers to help and outrage regarding the double deck
trailer packed with 57 innocent creatures who were no doubt headed for
slaughter.  As tragic as it was, this accident saved their lives, and may help
to save others from a similar fate by getting the transportation laws changed.

 We have been overwhelmed with phone calls and e-mails regarding the adoption
process and adoption requests.  If we responded to your e-mail twice, we
apologize.  If you haven't heard from us yet, please be patient we are going
through all of the e-mails as quickly as we can.  If you are interested in
adopting one of the draft horses, please be sure to fill out the adoption form
linked to this page.  We also still have several white horses available for
adoption, be sure to look at the white horse page.  Thank you all for your
concern, we are all grateful to the people who were on the scene, and did such
a wonderful job during the rescue.

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