This message is from: "Frederick J Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Fjord lovers,

Cherish your horses minute by "stuff happens".

I have kept a running update on my mare, Spring Hills Kirste, on my list but
have written nothing here yet.

Kirste suffered a large sand impaction at the end of November even though
she (and all my other horses are on a Psyllium regimen).  She was taken to
Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital for treatment.

The Vets were unable to flush out the sand so an operation was undertaken.
Two GALLONS of crap was taken from her belly.

After mega-bucks of treatment, she was sent home on the 10th of December.
Her incision was healing nicely, but normal bowl function was sporadic.

Finally on Christmas, she started to pass manure normally.  We thought we
had beaten the odds..wrong.

Yesterday morning, Saturday, she started to run a fever and began to tremble
all over.  The vet was called immediately and he filled her with just about
every antibiotic made.   They didn't work.  Her upper respiratory infection
caused her to fill up with fluid.

She was never allowed to be where she could get a chill, or get wet.  It has
been determined by the Vet that she was not contagious, so my other horses
are not at risk.

The sudden lung problem can occur because of the anesthetic procedure
involved in a major operation.  Some make it..some don't.

She crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday afternoon.  It was that quick.   I
buried her up here on Pack's Peak today.

Her last chance to compete would have been a Moses Lake or Libby, but we
(mistakenly) were not allowed to go.

My sweet Kirste will never run in unison beside her sister, Kise again.

I do not write this in bitterness, but to prod everyone to value the
unconditional love that your horses will give.It can be taken from you

I believe that all members, here, value their horses love as much as we do..

Take a moment to reflect on the gift that your horses give you.. Love.  No
one can put a value on that.

Fred and Lois

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Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington  98396

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