This message is from: "Lois Anne Starr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Another T-post story....  in the late seventies we had access to a small
pond nearby that we'd take the animals to on hot summer days to swim and
cool off in, dogs, kids and horses all had a great time in the water.  Other
folks would come too.  One afternoon, Mookie, (not a Fjord) just a little
mixed black girl, came charging up out of the pond as usual, cutting through
some reeds.  Next thing I knew she let out this g-- awful scream, started to
run away then turned back and came to me and just stood there shaking.  She
had impaled her chest with a broken T-post that was hidden in the reeds on
the pond bank (we looked for whatever had done this later) tearing a 6 inch
three corner tear in her chest, skin just hanging there.  Weird thing was
there was hardly any blood. Needless to say we loaded up within minutes and
headed to the vet's where Mook was given antibiotics, had her wound
irrigated and stitched up with what seemed like a mile of drains.  We went
home, followed directions and although she was sore for a few days, she
never developed a fever or infection.  Her chest healed up just great and
you had to really look for a scar, just a small dimple where one of the
drains exited. I really expected white hair to grow in, but it didn't.  Yup,
t-posts can be nasty things even in familiar places.  I must say our vet was
so responsive that day, seeing Mookie right away and us dragging a very wet
and muddy pony in to his clinic!  She was so good about everything too.

My guys all have a round bale that is mixed alfalfa/native and seeded grass
mix withlimited access.  I have never had a problem with loose bowels with
them so hopefully it will just be a temporary thing for you.  I have read on
the list, a number of folks seem to have a similar problem feeding
alfalfa/grass mix.  I happen to like it for the very reason it does have a
mild laxative effect and keeps things moving right along...  Maybe bringing
in some of your old hay and gradually transitioning to the new?  I'm sure
others on the list will have some suggestions.

Lois Anne, Wayne, Gallant Geier and the Lovely Lana from Montana

Tell me, and I'll probably forget.
Show me, and I will remember,
Involve me, and I will understand.

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