This message is from: Carol Boehm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Everyone: I have been walking around for a week in a complete happy daze: A week ago I got an email from Peggy Spear out of Marshall Wisconsin who I purchased FPF Andi Falkspyd from in 2006. How the story was repeated to me is as follows. Peggy informed me that Lisa had contacted her and after talking about what ever they had to discuss Lisa brings up the evaluations at Moses Lake and these two mares some Canadian women brought to the evaluations and that both mares got their blue ribbons in conformation. I quess some very nice people told Lisa about my mares while they were visiting at the Libby show. All I can say is the words repeated to Lisa were extremely kind and that they really liked my mares. I wish I knew who they were and all I can say is THANK YOU FOR YOUR VERY KIND WORDS IT MEANS A LOT TO ME. When I was at the 25 Anniversary show I was talking to Pat Wolfe who owns Prydarson he told me that the Norwegian Fjord owners and competitors in the United States had not only always been very kind to him but had always cheered him on in every competition he had ever entered and to boot had many laughs with him. Since I have only ever had the pleasure of going to one show as a competitor I am eternally greatful to the kindness I have received especially since I went their in my brothers name which is a story for another day. Anyway who ever you are I hope you read this message and someday I get to Thank You in person. Again Lisa Thank You for bringing up the subject of Moses Lake and those Two Canadian Mares to Peggy and Thank You Peggy for putting the parts of the puzzle together and knowing who it was and letting me know. I personally will never forget your kindness.
Carol Boehm
Red Wing Acre's Norwegian Fjords

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