This message is from: "Philis Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just thought I'd mention a handy little device when you find the need to milk the mare. I use a 60cc syringe, cut off the end where you would put the needle, invert the plunger and you have a "milking syringe". Just put it on the teat so that there is no air intake around the teat and then pull the plunger down. The syringe fills with milk and you can get almost up to 60cc of milk. I'm sure others have used this, but for those who haven't, it works pretty well.

On another note, I just wanted to say that I lost my seven month old Fjord gelding back in January. It was terribly heartbreaking for me because I was caring for him 24/7 for days. He became sick back in August at age two months. Reoccurring high fevers, I was in constant contact with vets and using antibiotics etc. Everybody thought it was pneumonia, but at last the day he died, I drew blood. Two days later my vet called with results. Liver, kidneys were gone, he was VERY was Lymes disease. My dear vet friend mentioned Lymes back in August, but other antibiotics were used and the foal would get better for a time. Moral of the story, check their blood first thing. And, I hope nobody else ever has to go through this. Karl was a very stoic little guy. I still miss him deeply. PS....I had tetracycline in my stash and yes, I'm on a guilt trip.

Philis Anderson
Sawtooth Mountain Fjords
Grand Marais, MN
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