This message is from: Karen McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Eileen, the 37th
Annual Prineville  25/50/75 Endurance Ride is on Sat. May 10,@  Crooked River
Grassland.(Accessed on road 1/2 way between Prineville/Madras.)
It is put on as a major fund raiser for the Prineville Ridge Rider's Club. I
have heard really nice things about this ride from my endurance buddies in
I'd be game for the 25 miler w/ Imilie my 'Eveready' Fjord, but as I am
showing at the Oregon Gold Show the same weekend, no can do ;~)) (Bye the way,
this is a sort of plug for the Oregon Gold Show!)
I'd like to do it in the future should the Oregon Gold Show move it's show
date out a bit. The ride is very close to our farm here in Madras - we are
less than 1/4 mile from the Grasslands, which is not only superb for riding,
but with all of the old dirt jeep roads that are in decent shape, its
wonderful for driving. Give me a bit more time and we'll have a drive out here

Karen in C.O. where it was downright balmy (60 degrees) after work and I rode
out in the Grasslands for a little more than an hour; just me, Imilie and the
2 dogs. Oh, did I mention the wildflowers?! (  :~))

Karen McCarthy

Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon

> Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 10:46:19 -0700
> To:
> Subject: Re: fjord firsts
> This message is from: "Eileen Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That's interesting!  I'm assuming that this was the ride near Madras
> OR?
> Eileen in eastern WA.
> >  Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:46:06 -0700
> >  From: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  Subject: Two Fjord firsts?
> >
> >  This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  Hi,
> >
> >  I just received an email from Pam Adler.   She had purchased a Dusty son
> >  from us a few years ago named Eric - more recently tagged, by Pam as
> >  the Awesome'.  Pam had just completed an endurance ride with Eric and
> >  finished within the allotted time and, oviously, had cleared the vet
> >  She was pretty stoked to say the least!  CONGRADULATIONS Pam & Eric!!!
> >  anyone else ever tackled endurance rides with a Fjord?  I don't recall
> >  hearing of any.  Pam 'mentioned' that Eric reminds her of Dusty.  Dusty
> >  the proverbial energizer bunny and must have passed that gene on to his
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