This message is from: "Sharon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>This message is from: Robin Churchill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Do any of you who
live in dry places have specific regimens that you follow or that your vet
has advised for prevention of sand colic? >>


I live in Southern California and the surgeons at the Chino Valley Equine
Hospital here recommend the following:

For 7 consecutive days each month, give 1 cup psyllium mixed well with @1/2
cup senior feed and drizzled with @ 2 teaspoons of canola, corn oil. Feed
morning and night for the 7 days. It can also be mixed with other
supplements as long as there is no contact with water before feeding.  The
psyllium must not contact water before eaten because it must swell up in the
digestive tract to 'sweep' the digestive tract. ( I mix the 14 servings up
at once, sealing each of the 14 servings in a gallon ziplock. Then I just
pour it into her bucket and give it at the same time with breakfast and
dinner hay.) 

Use the cheapest powdered psyllium available. No pelleted form. They said it
doesn't work. These surgeons do 2-3 colic surgeries daily (impaction,
stones, or sand colics) on all kinds of horses (backyard to $100K horses).

14 cups of psyllium is 3 lbs. I buy a 20 lb bucket, for @$60 and it lasts 6

good luck,

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