This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I went out to do the evening feeding.   I  loaded my tractor with usual 4 
bales of hay and the extra grain for the  mama's.   I brought Lordalen in he 
quite the frisky boy  today.    Then the rest of the youngsters all follow me 
along the  fence.   They      absolutely adore the  tractor .   I got everyone 
out side fed and proceeded down the barn  isle.   I go so far and then move 
the tractor again.   Just  as I hoped down I saw a baby sparrow that must have 
fallen out of its  nest.   I went around to grab some hay and feed a couple of 
more  horses and then looked back and could not find the baby bird, so I 
checked under  the tractor and no bird.    Drove a little farther down the isle 
stopped and got out to grab some more hay and there that little bird was in the 
 bucket of my tractor!    I pick it up and tried to set it  on  a bale of 
straw, but it would not get of my hand, so I decided to see  if it would get on 
my shoulder and sure it hopped right  on and  went and cuddled up next to my 
neck, so I went about feeding.   The  little bird stayed there the whole time.  
I got back on the tractor  and off we went. I  Put the tractor up and went 
out to fill some water  tanks the little bird still stuck on me.    I got to my 
last  water and all of a sudden the little bird stared to chirp!    I  heard 
another bird answer.   It was the mamma and daddy  theyflew  in and landed on a 
 near by tree and talked to the baby  on my shoulder and he kept answering 
back and then all of a sudden he climbed  out to the edge of my should and took 
flight!   He just barely made it  to the tree were his parents were..    
And after all that I did not think that he could fly yet!  
   Every year I have hundreds of babies born in my barn, mostly  swallows and 
they always come back each year and it is very nice when they are  here as I 
have no bugs at all in the barn ( the best fly control  ever)   I am a little 
concerned as what is happening in the  environment as I have the fewest birds 
that I have ever seen in my  barn.   Is this happen to any of you as well?
Bonnie Morris
western Wa

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