This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] interesting combination of people in my family circle and their relationship to my horse activities.
my mother, when she was a child, was put on a pony by her brothers, who slapped it on the butt and it ran away with her. she has been terrified of horses ever since. the wouldn't even pat oz's nose when he was in a stall. my daughter: no interest. i thought at least her kids would like a chance to meet oz, but i have had him for 4 years, and they have yet to come and see him. she lives down toward minneapolis, now about 45 minutes away. i get the "we are too busy, maybe in september (fill in the date of your choice). my ex: he likes animals, but can't read them for all he's worth. he pretended to try and take lessons when i first started, but he got bored and quit listening. he was the one who got oz over-fat and charlie over-thin. he figured since he grew up on a farm and i didn't, he knows more about it than i do. i have three sisters, and while they will listen, only one has really clicked. she does equine assisted life coaching, and will come up and visit every now and then. i got some really lovely shots of her and oz last winter: my best friend carol: she met oz when i got him, and though she liked him, she was intimidated by horses, never have been around them. she surprised me last year by telling me she had started taking riding lessons! she is doing very well, and even comes up to ride oz. i think she rides better than i do. so, i guess i have just about the entire spectrum of results within the circle of my life. laurie, and oz, who doesn't care who visits as long as they bring treats ************** Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music scene in your area - Check out! ( The FjordHorse List archives can be found at: