This message is from: Kelly Trirogoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to EVERYONE that gave me feedback/care instructions/kind words for
Grandpa. He is doing much better. He actually was trotting today. Plus I know
he feels better because he is back to being  his regular "independently minded
self" like any senior :) We go for a walk every morning and every evening to
keep things moving. He anticipated going back to the house for breakfast first
thing this morning, but he had not gone to the bathroom yet. So I said "sorry
grandpa, you don't get breakfast till you go to the bathroom"  I kid you not,
2 seconds later up came the tail, and out came the poop :) Home we went for a
little breakfast.

They are so funny. The only thing I am concerned about is his left eye as it
is a little puffy/warm as it got seriously rubbed raw during the rolling. Any
suggestions as to what i can do for it?

Kelly Trirogoff, Grandpa and Skovy

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