This message is from: "dfle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had one filly that had two or three sarcoid tumors over a six month period
and the vets surgically removed them.  One was even near her eye and we had to
take her to the vet hospital to have an opthamologist remove it.  They did not
return and she never had any more -- she is now four.  I then had a gelding
with one on his leg and I decided not to spend the money to have it removed.
I used a simple wart compound and it worked.  I had a friend that also had one
on a gelding and I told him about using an over the counter wart compound and
it worked for him as well.  I have also had horses get warts (I think from the
cows) and my vet mixes something up for me (I have no idea what it is) and it
comes in a little bottle with an applicator like you see in liquid shoe
polish.  I think it works, or maybe over time they just go away.  My stallion
when he was little had them everywhere on his nose and face and this stuff
seemed to make them go away.

Rosemary Fleharty
Shome Fjords

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