This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you Sami for your comments on the 08 BE Show. We do try.

Sami was a bit modest about her accomplishments at BE and the Evaluation.

She and "Ralph" took Reserve Versatility and Overall Adult Awards.

And she didn't just earn high blues in the Draft, English Riding and Western Riding tests she did so with professionalism and class. She knows what she is doing, her confidence and innate sense about horses comes through clear and honest.

Along time ago Denny Emerson wrote a great article about "it". "It" is that something you cannot put words to, give clinics on or write articles and books about - you either have "it" or don't - when working with horses. "It" is that little voice in you that tells you when to push your horse, when not to push, when to ask, when to demand, when to quit and when to try again.

Sami has "it".

On the note of age, it wasn't hard to be a young person there at the Evaluation, as the majority of exhibitors carry our AARP cards along with our tests.

BOTH young girls, Sami and my daughter Robin did their generation  proud.

Robin got a 93 in the intro draft test with her big gelding Pine's Edge Ivan - (Rokida bloodlines - back to the Unraus - love that pedigree) and it was one of the nicest draft tests I've ever seen. The partnership she has with Ivan is unreal. She's worked with him for many years now - taught him draft work herself, on her own. She's shown him in every event, conformation, showmanship, driving, draft, riding - English & western, trail, and games.

Robin took her well earned Medallion of Quality with her to college and eventually when her work load is eased some we want to send Ivan down to Murray State for her as well. Where, he'll probably make Dean's List too!

Tip your glasses to the young people - their future is bright.

With pride
Pat Holland.

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