This message is from: "Mary Sergeant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is a relief to hear that my girls aren't the only ones up to tricks.

One of the mares loves to play in the water....sticks her whole head in.
The heaters aren't hooked up yet; I'm hoping she will leave them alone.  We
keep gold fish in the water tank and we thought maybe she was trying to
catch the fish.  Maybe she's just being a Fjord, though.

Mary in Colorado

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bonnie
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 3:06 PM
Subject: fjord eating wood

This message is from: Bonnie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a 5 year old gelding that is always getting into something.  He 
chews wooden fence posts at ground level until they are compromised and 
I have to replace them.  I have given him various branches, old fence 
posts and hang plastic containers for him to play with.  He ignores them 
all.  I bought him a ball and when he wouldn't play with it I put it in 
his water trough.  He loves water but wouldn't touch the ball in there.  
We had to put the water trough in the barn now because he destroyed 3 
tank heaters last year.  We had the kind that sat at the bottom of the 
tank and he would dunk his head all the way to the bottom and pull it 
out!  We are lucky he didn't get hurt.  If the tank (and it's a big one) 
is only half full he will drag it around and isn't happy unless its 
dumped.  Or, he stands in it.  We thought we fixed him this summer - we 
put the tank inside the barn with an opening for them to put their heads 
in to drink.  He must be getting bored with the pasture because 
yesterday he reached in and managed the dump the tank again! 

I don't know how to keep this guy busy.  I like the idea of  putting a 
large chunk of wood out there and putting molasses on it.  That might at 
least get him interested in bothering that kind of wood.  Or, maybe a 
water slide. . .

bonnie in WI

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