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OK guys.....shows and evaluations are over and winter is peeking around the 
corner. Exciting posts will soon begin again about Shoeless or shoes, bittless 
or bits, blinkers or none, Flyspray that works or garlic,vets or owner 
diagnosis, medication or herbal / organic, treeless or treed saddles and " 
Natural " 
training vs a wump upside the head method. 
This post was on my Pony List today and I can SO relate to so much of 
it.....thought it was funny enough to repost here, enjoy ! ( all of you who 
want to 
start competing next year, this might be a manditory read.    Lisa

1a. Trip to Tulsa - long read  but fraught with craziness
    Posted by: "Shae Butts" [EMAIL PROTECTED] riverbendwelsh
    Date: Fri Oct 3, 2008 9:47 am ((PDT))

Diary of two Mad Widows or Here’s your Sign?
Our trip to Tulsa 

I should have felt it the moment Lisa, my best gal pal, and fellow widow in 
mourning, dropped that brand new bottle of Piesporter wine on the street in 
front of the house at 6 am last Thursday morning.  I’m sure it was a sign of 
Karma, missing MOJO or something else even more ominous.  Forget everything…
.forget the fact that we had spent a week packing for the horse show!  Forget 
that we had a rig that rivaled most tractor trailer drivers!  Forty-two feet 
Dodge Dully and Sundowner Pro-stock sitting at the ready!  Forget that our 
carriages were loaded along with hay and tons of gear!  Why in God’s name do 
pack so much?  Showing is not new to us….we think we’ve trimmed way 
yet….we are still loaded to the gills! Why did I battle fire ant bites (left 
over sweet feed) in the overhead of the gooseneck making sure everything was 
crammed in there nice and tidy?  Why did I stay up late washing my ponies and 
manes…crippling myself on my unsteady foot that I’d only had surgery on 
three weeks ago….all this to ‘feel’ that bad karma on Thursday morning?  
it all…..right now!      NOT!

This was our first trip out of state…all the way to the State Fair and 
Central National Welsh show…in Tulsa, Oklahoma…without Mike and Dave….our 
husbands…..lost to us…only last year…and within 8 weeks of each other.  
In fact, 
the last show Mike attended with me….was this show a year ago.  I think we 
were both excited…and nervous about going…seeing old friends that we only 
see at 
this particular show…and knowing those encounters would bring new 
sensitivities to surface. 
Breathe...and just go forward………………………….our newest motto.

The one persona that was ecstatic about this trip was Elvis.  Elvis’s real 
name is Graceland’s Good News.  What are you going to call an 11.2 hand 
pony stallion fraught with punk rock flaxen forelock....except Elvis?  Elvis 
was thrilled because not only was he riding next to his daughter…and he is a 
very good poppa to all his babies…but also had as travel mates, three 
mares….one of which he already had carnal knowledge, Menai my Desire, 
driving pony!  The other two were section B’s and top of the line mediums, 
sisters and big…I mean BIG!  Elvis loves the big girls!  If he were not the 
impeccably mannered soul that he is….we would never be able to travel in this 
manner….Two carriages up front and divided…and everyone else side to side 
the way to the gate, sans any dividers.  Every pony had a personal hay 
a comfy floor full of shavings.  Even the vertically challenged filly was 
in her little fly mask and standing next to her daddy for the 10 hour drive 
to Tulsa.
Brianna, Lisa’s 9 year old was piled atop tons of bags, blankets and pillows 
in the back seat….candy and treats at the ready…and a bag chocked full of 
s to watch on her little player.  Lisa and I were armed with thousands of 
Diet Cokes (nectar of the Gods) and packs of chewing gum to rival any grocery 
store isle.  She would drive us all the way through Dallas, and I would take 
second leg into Tulsa.  A few stops were made for fuel, more junk food, and 
potty breaks and still we made the fairgrounds in good time.

As we looked about for our stalls location…..I kept hearing some large pony 
screams emanating from the direction of our trailer!  I realized it was 
and went quickly to investigate….However it happened…I will never 
Elvis had become unclipped from his tie….and had all the mares (still tied) 
herded into one corner….as he was preparing himself to choose which to breed 
first.  His baby daughter was tucked under the throat of the smaller mare 
out at a daddy whose behavior she did not recognize!  I quickly removed him 
the trailer…and later on the stunned group of mares….standing there with 
their back legs crossed!

  The fair folks only allow you two hours to get your rig unpacked and get 
your trailer to the off grounds parking lot.  Okay…we can do this!  We 
throw all 
the stuff out.  Why didn’t we pack the tack room carpets and tack curtains 
the front and the hat boxes and harnesses to come out last?  Oh…and speaking 
of tack stalls….I limped all the way up to the office to get shavings and to 
inquire as to why….even though my entries specifically list a tack stall….I 
not have one?  No one seemed to know…but the show management was able to not 
only give me one…but one on the same isle way as my ponies….perfect!  We 
closing in on our two hour limit and although the junk is all out of the 
trailer… is mostly laying about the isles because we have to re- bathe 
The two big girls are grey and have managed to get green stains all the way 
to the shoulder…and the little filly has yet to have a bath.  I find out 
filly is scared of the tack porch rug, water, the chairs, the lounger, the 
rug, water, the water hose, the rug, the mats, the rug, spigots, the 
and Lisa’s big mare, who didn’t much care for that filly either….so she 
reached over and in an effort to bite the filly chomped down on my shoulder 
yeow!!!!!!!!!!  We finally manage to get everyone bathed…the filly drug back 
over the mat, the water, the lounger and the RUG!!! Now I can get that trailer 
gone to the lot!  Only….Lisa’s not good at hooking and un-hooking the 
gooseneck…and I’ve done it like…zero times… I ask and receive help 
from Phillip 
Orear who kindly drives the rig….and parks and unhitches the trailer…and 
drives my tired butt back to the fair grounds.  Now we must get MY ponies 
clipped.  Since my stallion isn’t great about having his ears clipped….and 
the filly 
isn’t great about anything…we need a twitch….only we forgot it. 
Crap….Oh well…hands make the very best twitches anyhow…and in short time 
everyone looks clipped, bathed and well groomed….on with the sleezy’s and 
to the hotel for a quick change, dinner and then a well deserved 
rest!!!!!!!!!!   Lisa gets into the driver’s seat….did I mention the 
Dully is a straight 
shift?  Phillip has left the truck in first gear…(I always leave them in 
reverse) and Lisa always leaves it in neutral.  I am leaning inside the 
door chatting up Brianna and Phillip is leaning in the drivers side chatting up 
Lisa….when she cranks the truck…sans clutch ….lurches forward with enough 
power to take out my left hip…which now has a massive bruise the size of 
..Okay….I’m ready to go.

We get to the hotel …..make a couple of quick swipes to our dirty faces…
change shirts…wash our purple hands from the blue poo we used on the grey 
.and head to Ruby Tuesday’s for some nice salad bar.  I had a glass of 
but frankly was too pooped to even finish it….We were so exhausted we could 
barely choke the salad down…and we headed back to the Hampton Inn and our 
Once there Lisa jumped into the tub…and Brianna… called the desk and 
our wake up call….secured the TV…and otherwise took charge as all 25 year 
olds wrapped up in 9 years of hide will do!
  I was busy heading down the hall with the cooler of water and diet cokes…
.looking for the ice machine to keep everything cool.  I finally found it on 
adjacent hallway…but it was the kind that spits the ice out into a bucket…
.and I had no bucket.  I started to leave the cooler behind and run down for 
ice bucket…but then decided I could not leave our DIET cokes 
I drug the cooler back to our room.  At this point…I am totally wiped out…
pissed off the cooler is so heavy and the ice machine so far…so I pull the 
over to the door of our little room refrigerator by it’s handle…open the 
….jerk the cooler over closer…right over the TOP OF MY FOOT!… sore 
foot!!!…my just had surgery!!!…been limping on for two years…FOOT!!  And 
IT HURT……I snatched my foot back to look…and GOOD GAWD!!!  I have 
snatched my 
right Toe Nail plumb off my toe!  It’s standing up waving at me like
a flag!  The cuticle on the right side is out of the toe and pressing down 
like a hammer….and blood….I think I’m going to faint or puke!!!!  I 
don’t want 
to alarm the kid….I walk calmly into the bathroom….sit on the pot…..and 
my now bloody stump on the side of the tub telling Lisa, “this doesn’t look 
good”…..Now Lisa is about to faint…or puke…who knows?  Suddenly I’m 
out….and poor Brianna is back on the phone calling the front desk for a 
doctor, nurse…help!  We need toe nail clippers….ace….bute….banamine 
and a 
vicodin!  Ah…we at least have the latter with us….left over’s from my 
surgery.  As we stand around staring at my toe…stunned and trying to figure 
out what 
to do….I am overcome with such weariness…I know I must just lie down and 
with this later.  Together we wrap some MacDonald Napkins around the toe and 
loosely bind them with hot pink (the only color we had) vet
wrap….so it will not get caught on the covers…and we go to bed.  Our suite 
had a wonderfully comfy king size bed and a queen size roll out sofa bed.  No 
way am I sleeping on the sofa bed …I am terrified of another injury 
or touching the metal….so Lisa takes the couch…and Brianna and I take the 
bed.  Have you ever slept with a spinning, poking, kicking nine year old?  
Sheesh!  Makes me realize how nice it is to be empty nesting.

The next morning we awake at 6 am and the toe is now in full throbbing swing…
.we go to the show grounds.  I wait on Dr. Ruth….our dear friend….WPCSA 
President….and resident vet… get there and give me advice on the 
others….are telling me to go to the ER….urgent care…and some less caring 
individuals are just saying ‘rip it off’ or I can help you get that 
off…and they 
stand there grinning with needle nose pliers at hand.  Or the one lady who 
suggested I just let it rot off…nice…..  Dr. Ruth finally 
arrives…reminds me that 
pulling toe nails out is a form of torture…..(how does she know this?)….and 
that I should definitely consider going to have it removed…oh…and get 
..I am after all standing in a horse barn all weekend…..finally a voice of 

First before anything else…..I MUST get all the brass cleaned on the in hand 
bridles…..Although we had a friend help us to get ready…and she did a great 
job on the bridle and harness leather (probably the best it has looking in a 
year)….that dad gum brass has got to be elbow greased one more time before 
time.  Lisa had already agreed to run all the ponies in halter because of my 
recent foot surgery……I at the very least…must see to all the tack!  In 
meantime…the entire support staff for the Welsh show is busy trying to find 
me an 
urgent care center to go to.  I finish the brass and watch a couple of the 
halter classes….and finally I am warned to get that truck out of the parking 
before it gets towed.  Being a widow is definitely NOT for sissies…and there 
was no one to drive me….so I take myself out of there just before I was about 
to be towed…..and head to town in the giant 6 speed turbo dully…… looking 
hospital and urgent care.  Actually, I found that Tulsa is teaming with 
hospitals…..and someone in the hospital ER directed me to the closest urgent 
center.  Urgent care is THE place to go when you need a minor procedure and 
t want to spend hours and hours waiting…not to mention….hundreds and 
hundreds of dollars in the ER.  

I found the Urgent Care post haste…Parked the dully….Terrified of pain to 
come…I took two vicodin with a hot diet coke…..and headed for the 
took me straight from the front door to the table in back…..A little grey 
haired and very kind old doc came in ….and I entertained him with stories of 
horse show…as he injected syringe after syringe of lidocaine into my 
it felt like a big dull log…..His nurse distracted me with injections of 
tetanus antitoxin to my shoulder as he pulled my toenail out of it’s bed 
underneath the cuticle.  He wrapped my toe in a very large bandage and navy 
blue vet 
wrap…and finished it off with a paper OR shoe…and a couple extra of those 

By the time I got out of the Urgent care and back to the show grounds it was 
nearly 2:30 in the afternoon…I had no food all day….and the two vicodin’s 
d taken before the toe nail procedure were in full force of making me stupid.  
I parked in the handicap parking and sauntered over to our stalls.  I asked a 
very nice lady, (and whip extraordinaire) Kathy Lindholm, to drive my 
stallion in the show for me that day.  She really likes Elvis….and she was 
such help 
to me last year there when I was trying to do everything by myself because 
Mike was really too ill to help me.  It became pretty apparent to Kathy and 
that I had two vicodin too many and needed to go watch the classes in lieu of 
helping rig the harnesses!  
It only took Kathy one class to get a hang of Elvis and his cues and she 
drove him to good ribbons that evening.  There were FIVE stallions in the 
driving class.  The most I’ve ever seen in one driving class!  The final 
class was the cones course.  This is something that I really suck at and I was 
happy to have Kathy driving my pony in the class.  The whips walk the course 
on foot and leave their pony and hitch in the hands of someone else to watch.  
That night I was standing there with Elvis hitched and chatting to my friend 
Todd.  Todd has spinal bifida and is wheel chair bound, but can do just about 
anything the rest of us can and has guts to go around.  He had his chair 
centered right under the front of my pony’s hitch!  Suddenly, I heard 
clop coming at me very loud and fast…I felt the wind more than saw the little 
guy go flying by, totally out of control, blinders on his nose.  The little 
pony who was in
training had flipped his bridle down over his ears and in fear, was a 
runaway.  Fortunately, Todd not only backed away from Elvis and the charging 
pony in 
a nanosecond, but he also took Elvis with him.  Elvis who remained unaware 
anything at all happened.  The whip drove the runaway directly into the side 
of a 
tack stall.  Fortunately, the stalls are portable and the wall moved with the 
force of the slamming pony…surely reducing his trauma.  The whip was ex
perienced….and no one was hurt….In fact, most people, save a few drivers 
were even 
aware of it….me and my toe survived another really close call!  I quickly 
found some string and tied the runaway with the tiny ears bridle nose band to 
throat latch…and fore lock over his crown piece to his mane.  I dared him to 
get out of that bridle again!  
We left that evening with Kathy and the Beecher’s for a well deserved dinner 
after a big, hard day of classes for them, and surgery for me.  Brianna kept 
asking for a steak and at Carrabba’s I ordered her a filet medium rare.  Her 
mom and grandma, both vegetarians for years were stunned when she ordered her 
meat that rare.  I know she doesn’t get many opportunities to partake in 
indulgence, and probably hasn’t had one since her dad passed way last 
so I offered up my Auntly duties and cut her meat as she devoured it with sighs 
of yum and awesome over and over until it was nearly finished.   The food was 
divine there, the service excellent and the company the best.  It was a nice 
wrap to a stress filled day.      

The following day we left our hotel late after having a very large pancake 
breakfast and headed to the show grounds and then to Target.  Main on our list 
was a new costume for Brianna and the costume contest that evening.  We forgot 
to pack one before we left Houston.  Also, I wanted to try out and buy an 
overlarge house slipper which I could cover my injured foot and drive my own 
pony!  Brianna settled on a Devil costume…and accessories and $100 
later….she was 
set for costume contest complete with a bag of candy to throw to the spectators
….and I was armed with a mans size 13 house slipper…guaranteed to not touch 
my toe in any fashion…oh…and a paisley window sheer that I would pin over 
lap robe that would hang long enough to cover the offending house slipper!  
Although I know Kathy was a bit disappointed…I know she was also happy that I 
would try and show my own pony in driving…after all…I spent a great deal of 
money and
traveled a long way to that show and I definitely wanted to at least make one 
The classes went well…and that night Lisa rented a wheel chair for 
we took off for the fair where we overindulged in greasy fresh fried potato 
crisp and gyro’s and bought ugly fur top hats…a good evening. 

We didn’t realize until then that we would not be packing up and leaving on 
Sunday morning because Brianna’s over fence classes would not be Saturday, 
late morning and early afternoon Sunday.  We mentally prepared for a long day 

I slowly packed as Brianna worked on her warm ups and Lisa coached her along 
with Sally Ross.  Finally, we were down to just the bare items, so I moved my 
chair up to the rail and sat in for some class watching.  Brianna did very 
well but will tell you she got fifth and didn’t really move up from there.  
think she was fantastic!  Lisa didn’t ride this show, but mopped up in 
and in halter with her two beautiful sister mares, one winning Reserve Supreme 
and both winning second as get of dam.

We packed the final items, loaded the mares, secured the stallion a little 
tighter, in and further away and got on the road.  We talked and talked about 
the show as I drove.  We were starving….another long day without 
it mid day…we finally found a burger king…and ordered whoppers (double 
and supersized…..Man were they awesome!              When we got 
to Dallas, 
we switched off and I was grateful that I drove the first leg of the journey 
home.  I don’t see well at night….and dark came very quick.  We had a 
run out in front of us….but he made it…then we had a pack of dogs run out 
front of us in Navasota…..Lisa quickly moved the rig to the other 
missed the group…..then we were getting pretty close to Pattison…still 
away….when BAMMMMMMM!  A deer jumped directly in front of us….the big 
sending it cart wheeling into the other lane.  Lisa was SICK!....We
stopped and jumped out….the doe had rolled, stood, staggered, dropped, got 
up, and ran away!!!!!!!!!!  I checked out the damage…NONE!....Lisa didn’t 
though…she was on the verge of throwing up!  Bad karma…bad karma…bad 
I am in the trailer…..she yells…why are you in the trailer?  “I’ve 
gone to 
pee”…I’ve been telling you that for an hour!.....Oh great friend I 
peeing in the trailer..and she’s out on the road looking for an injured 
What were we going to do if we found it?  Give it some banamine?  There is 
something about hitting an innocent animal that just kills you.  I mean at 
those of us that don’t hunt or kill things.  I remember a little red bird 
committing suicide in the grill of my dodge a year ago….I still feel queasy 
when I 
think of it!!!!!!  Poor Lisa.  Poor Bambi!

We made it home in one piece…..The carriages got unloaded yesterday….four 
days later….my toe is feeling better…and we are already planning our next 
in two more weeks…..I’m already getting ready for that costume contest…as 
this show will be my twin granddaughters debut!


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