This message is from: "Rose or Murph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Kate,
  I had a TB mare years ago get rain rot. The only thing that did the 
job was
using a water proof sheet. Topicals are good but until it is gone keeping
the back clean and dry with a water proof sheet is best until healed.

  I usually let my Fjord mare go without a sheet until it turns cold and
rains for a week straight. Once it rains for so long she gets very dirty,
and grooming a wet shaggy coat is impossible, plus wet hair folds over and
traps dirt and bacteria in there, which I believe starts rain rot. I put on
a water proof sheet to dry her coat out, and then groom her. I rotate on and
off with the sheet, allowing her coat and skin to have periods of dry. With
this routine I never have troubles with rain rot. Good drainage, clean
paddocks with minimal poop and urine help.

When my TB came down with it years ago I was boarding her and she was in a
muddy paddock, it was cleaned daily, but still had urine swirling around in
the mud.

Hope your pony is doing better.

Rosemary in Roy.

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