This message is from: "Ann Longfellow" <>

I am passing this information on.  Janek will be seeing my fjord Bjorn and
possibly one other fjord while he is here.  My instructor Barb Sheldon is a
student of his.

Subject: Janek Vluggens, Equine Osteopath coming to Minnesota


Janek Vluggen, the Equine Osteopath from Germany, will be in the Twin Cities
area on February 23 and 24th. 
Janek has treated horses internationally for over 15 years. His clients
include cutting, barrel and dressage horses, racehorses, Olympic champions,
and backyard horses.  He now teaches osteopathy to veterinarians and
licensed practitioners both here and in Europe through the Vluggen Institute
for Equine Osteopathy and Education.  Please check out the website below for
more information about osteopathy, course information, and links.
If your horse has problems that aren't responding to conventional veterinary
or chiropractic care, or is just "not quite right,"  Janek is often able to
help. Osteopathy treats the cause of a problem, not just the symptom or
symptoms. Janek's thorough knowledge of anatomy, neurology, and nutrition
give him the unique tools for healing. His approach normalizes the
structures that cause "blockages" which impede correct functioning.
The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and Education:
If you would like to know more or set up an appointment, please respond by
e-mail to or call Barbara Sheldon at

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