This message is from: Emily Wigley <>

Thank you for the hints about happy horses in muzzles! I have only used one on my Fjord mare and she made awfully funny faces when I put it on her, but she knew she couldn't leave her dry lot paddock without it so it was definitely an annoyance she'd bear to be out in the field! Cookies are a good idea.

Weaning.  We each do it our own way....
I've only had one foal (and she's not a Fjord, but lived with a Fjord when she was weaned, and still does at almost-2 yrs), and she was weaned the abrupt way. Her mom is abrupt in everything she does, she's quick to judge and decide everything, and it seemed like the right time. So I arranged for the mare to live 4 miles away for a month. The foal whinnied like crazy as I trailered her dam up our driveway. My daughter and the Fjord mare, Biscuit (Lite Jenta) stayed with her, and she was quiet within an hour. The mare's bag was fine by that evening. When the mare came home they were both happy, and now live sometimes separately and sometimes together. It worked for all of us.

I have to say I'm lovin' the Billy Mays references! He always makes me grin. The only as seen on tv item I've purchased is the Sham- Wow! and yes, I feel silly admitting it! They are fantastic for drying dogs, horses, cars, floors, etc., and I highly recommend them for the tack room and trailer! They're also great for camping - quick to dry and smaller for swims or camp showers.


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