This message is from: Karen McCarthy <>

maybe this little story will help inspire you for your upcoming race...
Years ago I beat a Morgan stallion in a walking race w/ my stallion Sven.
We were out at a N. Calif. Driving Club trail ride/drive at Hogan Lake.We'd
turned back for the parking area, 6 miles away and one of the club members, a
real hot-shot businessman (owns a the hay squeeze company, Roadrunner, in the
central valley) dared me into a walking race back to the trailers...bragged
that his stallion had a killer walk. He wanted to walk because he didn't want
to get his horse all excited trotting back to the trailers. Well, you know who
won ;~)) To this day, Dave bugs me about how he got beat by that "funny
looking little cave-painting horse".
Good luck!

:: Karen McCarthy :: Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon ::

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