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I'm with Kay and Kate on this one.   I bought Bogie, the Love Pony, pushing 4 
years ago, as a 14 year old and have never had a single moment's regret.  He 
is a super-reliable guest horse, perfect for my little bareback rides around 
the neighborhood and (thanks to a quick refresher course from Bob Gudknecht) a 
terrific little cart pony.  He also makes himself available at all times for 
kissing, hugging and carrots.  He comes running when called and is extremely 
popular (as is Braveheart) with all the local Ely Road pedestrians, from whom 
I'm pretty sure they are both getting frequent snacks.  He is with me for the 
duration...either his or mine...and is in my will just in case.  I think I'm in 
his too. 
    I've done it the other way too.  I got BH as a yearling so we've been 
together almost his whole life.  That has some advantages too.  I know pretty 
much everything that's ever happened to him because it mostly happened to me at 
the same time.  He, like Bogie, is living in his final home because I don't 
think even the most extensive shopping could enable me to do any better than 
these guys.  I really love them both!
    That doesn't mean that I wouldn't want other Fjordies to join us here at 
Yellow Pony Farm some day.  I just need a slightly bigger barn with maybe 1 
...or 5 - certainly no more than 8... additional stalls.   And who knows?  
Michigan has another lottery drawing tonight.  You never can tell. 
    And, as adjectives go, "mature" sounds civilized but for myself, I like 
the term "seasoned."  "Vintage" is nice too.  I guess being a beautiful piece 
of wood or a nice bottle of wine isn't so bad.
and Braveheart, who believes that 11 is mature enough
and Bogie, who thinks that a mature 11year old wouldn't be constanly nipping 
the butt of the TRULY mature
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