This message is from: "Eike Schoen-Petersen" <>

Last weekend the German Jubilee Stallion Show took place at Equitana, the world's largest equine fair, at Essen, Germany. 40 licenced and performance tested Fjord stallions were presented to the judges for the evaluation of type, conformation,correctness, movements and overall impression. The trotting round took place in the big arena, 5000 visitors watching the best German Fjord stallions being trotted up. The spectators sat tight for one and a half hours, fascinated by our wonderful breed. The association's decision to move the stallion show to this venue for our 35 year jubilee certainly proved effective in terms of showing to the real public. Equitana draws several hundreds of thousands of visitors every two years - a good opportunity to show off!! Judging was done by two professional judges from Germany and Mr. Jan Verbeeck from Belgium, judge from the international list of Fjord Horse International.

In the final round the Stallion DEXTER by Dylan - Orlandos was the obvious champion. Dexter was placed first at his licencening as a young stallion, took first in his performance test and now took the Championship!! Great support for our personal breeding strategy as we leased Dexter on the spot when we first saw him and used him for a season. Dexter's offspring has developed as expected and we are proud (and a little sad) to announce that two of his daughters will be leaving for North America next week.

Our own white dun Norwegian bred stallion Solbjør Borken took second place in his ring of stallions 12 years and older, which places him somewhere between 4th and 6th of all the licenced and performance tested stallions in the country. He was awarded a "Bundesprämie" = "Federal Premium" by the National Equestrian Federation, the highest honour a breeding horse can receive in our country. True to his form Borken was the definite "Mister Cool" of the show, followed by his promising son Björn. Borken was about as calm, quiet and well behaved as a horse can be and showed at his best. We are very proud and having a quiet glass of champagne while Borken is back in his pasture, wondering what everybody got so excited about. Along with the two Dexter fillies we are sending another white Borken daughter to the US next week and of course we congratulate the new owners on choosing horses with such distinguished pedigrees!

On Sunday the German Fjord Association and Fjord Horse International hosted an international conference, with equine scientist Dr. von Borstel lecturing on "Breeding in Small Populations / Risks and their Avoidance" and two rounds of discussions with an international panel: Prof. Nils Ivar Dolvik, head judge of the Norwegian Fjord Association, Karl Vie, "embassador" of the Norwegian Fjord Association, Ursula Jensen, representing the Canadian Fjord Horse Association, Maureen van Leeuwen, secretary general of the Dutch Fjord Studbook, Sabine Münch of the Swiss Fjord Association, Jan Verbeeck representing the Belgian Fjord Studbook, Birgit Mortensen, president of the Danish Fjord Association, Leif Grimbühler, judge for the Danish Fjord Association and myself as host and president of the German Fjord Association. The two rounds of discussion covered the topics of "market vs. museum / what are we breeding for?" and "type vs. performance / how do we keep the balance?". Both rounds gave a good insight into the philosophy and strategy for the breed in the different countries. From the scientific lecture the need for a common strategy was obvious to everybody and during the discussions common views and opinions outweighed the differences by far. As a result of these discussions a common international vision and strategy for developing and marketing the Fjord horse breed seems to be the next logical step.

Further activities of our association at Equitana include the presentation of Fjord horses in the "Fjord Village" with exhibitors from all parts of the country and Norwegian participation by Norges Fjordhestlag, the Norwegian Fjordhestsenter at Nordfjordeid with their A(rtificial) I(nsemination) and semen collection facilities, plus the Norwegian Fjordhestgaard at Breim.

For the first time in many years the spectacular evening Gala Show includes Fjord Horses, a quadrille of 12 driven pairs! For fun our Fjord driving team put together two 6 in hand plus two 4 in hand plus two pairs for the day program, doing the same pattern in the day program. Try to imagine two 6 in hand cantering on the inner circle and the rest in the counter direction on the outer circle and you will know why it brought tears to my eyes to see what our little horses will do for us!

Tired and still overwhelmed

Eike Schön-Petersen
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