This message is from: "Willows Edge Farm" <>

Robin - that's funny. We have one of those web stall guards on one of the
stalls. After cleaning the stall, some of the girls put feed in for me to
help out. I went outside and saw all the horses anxiously waiting by their
stalls except for our Lena...she crawled under! Don't know how she did it,
but she got under the bottom which is about 2 1/2' off the ground. 
Talking about crafty Fjords though, one of our other mares, Mina, knows how
to pull up the latches and open everyone else's stall doors. She's the air
fern, so always looking for extra treats. We finally caught her on camera -
we'll have to post that one soon :-)

Corinne Logan 
Willows Edge Farm
Bothell, WA
(425) 402-6781

this message is from: Robin Churchill <> Mine would be like
Lena and just tear the thing down.  Ooruk was famous for taking down the
sliding boards in the paddocks outside his stall to either break in to the
stall if there was hay there for nighttime or break out of the stall when he
got tired of being in there. Lest you think I keep him locked up all the
time, he is actually out about 12-16 hrs a day. He would also go and try to
let the other horses out on occasion but usually was happy to stay outside
and have the grass to himself. We put a stop to these antics by drilling
holes and putting pegs in his paddock boards but a stall guard is pretty
much like nothing to him and Ulyssa.  My 17 hand warmblood wouldn't dare
tear his down, though.  He would stand behind one of those single stall
guards all day long.

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