This message is from: Linda Lehnert <>

I was going through some old papers yesterday and found a picture from the
Scottish Fjord website from 2002 of David Stewart and Jon Halsnaes, a son of
Rei Halsnaes, that he had on lease from a prominent German breeder.  I hope
his German owner now has him back if he's still living (he's about 27 now).
Eike, can the FHI or other international Fjord groups or the IGF do something
to get him out of involvement with Fjords?  It's a shame to see that happen to
any horse.  He should be exiled to the tiger preserve around the Amur River in
Siberia in the Russian Far East in the middle of the winter in a swimsuit
where he could be tiger food if he survived the cold that long!  The tigers
are kinder than he is - they at least kill their prey quickly and for a valid
reason since that's how they eat.

Congratulations to Vivian and Mira.

When I lived on a farm outside of Guadalajara, Mexico with my two Morgan
horses, one night about 2 AM I heard some noise.  My husband had died and I
was alone, so I called my landlord and he said he would come out with the
police.  Then I heard the lid to the feed barrel and knew who the prowlers
were:  Felicity and Bo, the horse burglars.  I never did figure out how they
got the gate open (and never did tell my landlord who it was either), but the
next day I put on a different system for locking the gate, something that they
couldn't open (at least they never did get it open after that).

Linda in Guben

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