This message is from:

Well Fred,

I reread Lisa's post and she did not mention names, while your post probably 
things worse IMO.  Most readers probably didn't know what you were refering to,
obviously Lisa hit a sore spot, But I didn't find her post any more, actully 
accusatory than what Bonnie wrote to Linda:

"Linda you should try it sometime it would
really help your perspective on life.  I don't have any facts figures
or documention for you other than I have first hand seen some of my
friends go thur this.  Proof proof documention.   Just get off your
commputer and take a walk around your country and you can see if you
look and you can even reach out your hand and help.   Much more
productive than debate."

I think if you had just let it go nobody would have taken it to be trashing your
list or you or Bonnie.

You have your beef with Lisa.  I don't want to get into it.  I have my own 
about what happened at Libby and about Bonnie' attitude.  I am glad she has 
out to be a good trainer.  I don't want to get into an argument.  You have your
perspective.  I just like to stay out of things.


> This message is from: "" <>
> Dear Jean,
> When someone writes on Steve's list, thanking him for allowing a certain
> type of discussion to continue...then states that another list
> (specifically mine) has shut down discussion of the subject and then goes
> on to enumerate only certain parts of what went on....not the whole story
> or all the facts:
> Then states that my list, was formed initially as a rescue type list and
> now is not is patently false.  That become criticizm of my list and my
> actions.
> Lisa hates my trainer.  I had purchased one of Lisa's foals and paid her
> at Libby.  Lisa backed out of the deal and returned my money stating that
> none of her foals would come under the influence of my trainer. 
> Lisa was among the group that got together at Libby and had us "thrown
> off the island" so to speak.
> I got understandably pissed. 
> When she wrote me later that she had sold the foal to someone else...I
> got even more pissed in that she didn't trust my judgement and had to rub
> it in. I told Lisa that I didn't care to ever speak to her again.  I
> tried many times to offer an olive branch, but each time (from different
> mail addresses) she has blocked them all.
> What Lisa wrote was a direct slam at my list and my actions in attempting
> to control a wildfire.  She even paraphrased part of a message, from my
> list,
> ridiculing my trainer who was only trying to make peace on the list.
> Tru

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