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As always, I am not really qualified to opine on anything other than how to  
get myself dressed in the morning.  But I know one of the things that first  
drew me to Fjords was how much like mules they are!!  Smart, strong willed,  
good common sense - all of which can be positive or negative depending on the  
The trainers I know and have worked with have also commented on how alike  
they are, finding that they are more like mules to work with than they are like 
regular horses.
with Joe and Della (both of whom are smarter and stronger willed than  ME!!)
In a message dated 4/8/2009 2:24:41 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

there  are more similarities between the mules and the fjords than most fjord 
owners  would like to admit.

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