This message is from: Steve McIlree <>

What is it that is so hard to comprehend? I ranted on just yesterday about trimming replies. I threatened loss of posting privileges. And yet, just minutes ago, a reply showed up in my In Box which contained the entire message to which it was replying.

Maybe we should have an open discussion here about just why people can't seem to extend this little courtesy to the rest of us on the List. Although it is not Fjord horse related, I will welcome such a discussion until such time as everyone understands what is wrong with untrimmed replies.

In addition, anyone who doesn't know how to trim their replies should feel free to ask now. Chances are that someone here is using the same email software and can tell you exactly what to do.

Come on folks, those of you who are tired of scrolling through untrimmed replies on the Digest, speak up now. Those of you who are unclear how to trim your replies, ask for help now.

We are going to start having all replies trimmed, even if I have to shut off posting privileges to half the List.

Steve McIlree
Owner/Administrator FjordHorse List

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