This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <>

Frankly, in this more global economy, I
> think it's cool that some folks are able to bring a variety of stock
> into this country.
> Beth

Sounds nicely idealistic, and I'm all for freedom of choice and brotherly good
will, but the ebb and flow of global marketing does financially impact the
breed and those who have faithfully supported it. Importation further loads
our present horse surplus head count. That's not sentiment, nor is it opinion,
that's bare mathematical logic.

Breed circumstances are not what they were SIXTY years ago, when the Morgan
people needed imports. And yes, "all Fjords are the same" genetically
speaking.. there can no longer be any UN-used Fjord genes anywhere in the
world, particularly so in Europe where there has been longtime severe culling
(evaluations) and over-use of selected single sires. Of course we presently
have no way of formulating that without gene mapping, but according to basic
genetic diversity 101 fundamentals, it is true.

I cannot fault those who will (romantically) have a GENUINE imported Norwegian
Fjord horse, it sounds good--like a Pepsi commercial. I like my German
Shepherd dogs to have GENUINE German lineage, my Swedish Vallhund dogs to have
GENUINE Swedish lineage, but they may not be superior to those lines already
here, and it certainly doesn't mean that other GSD and SV breeders will
appreciate my import efforts which took a bite out of their market, ha ha.

As far as CEM origins, all credible sites claim that somehow, somewhere, it
all stemmed from Europe.. it has simply been passed along to animals that were
not imported, or through contaminants, as Curtis inferred.

It is not inconceivable that the future may hold similar tragic occurrences
through the introduction of imports, (eg: "mad cow disease" from Europe).. or,
possibly even genetic anomalies, which would be irrevocably worse; as has
happened in the past to other species where the intro of a satellite into the
original corrupted breed integrity.

Ruthie, nw mt, US

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